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Call for Intra-Mural Round Competition


Call for Intra-Mural Round Competition

This is to notify to the concerned students that LBU City Campus in collaboration with its students Moot Court Society is going to organize intra-mural rounds to select a student’s team that will represent the City Campus in the upcoming Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition, 2023.

Team Registration Deadline: 2080/06/02

Memorial Submission Deadline: 2080/06/11

Students who are interested to take part in the competition are invited to register their names via the Google link as follows:

Rules for the mural-round competition are as follows:

Team Composition    Each team must designate three members; two as the ‘Oralists’ and one as a ‘Researcher.’
LanguageAll memorials, oral arguments, and communication during the competition must be conducted in English language.
Case MaterialsA moot problem and reference materials will be provided to all participating teams via email.
Criteria for a memorialEach team must submit written memorials for both the Applicant and Respondent. Memorials must be typed and submitted on standard A4 size paper. The memorial should consist solely of the following components: a cover page, the advanced arguments, and the prayer of relief. The length of the advanced arguments in the body of the document should not exceed 10 pages. Font and size of the text of all parts of the memorial (excluding footnotes) must be the same and must be Times New Roman 12 font size. The text of footnotes and headings may be single-spaced. The font size of footnotes must be of 10 font size. The texts of all parts of each memorial must be double-spaced, with one inch margin on both sides. The team will receive a designated team code for their identification. This code must be utilized as the file name when submitting memorials. The inclusion of personal identity information will result in a penalty. The memorial must be submitted in both Word and PDF formats, with the participant’s code used as the filename for the submission.
Oral RoundThe notice regarding the oral rounds will be duly notified to the participants via email.
SubmissionTeams are required to send their memorial to the email address [[email protected]] no later than September 28, 2023 (Ashwin 11). Late submissions will result in penalties or disqualification.  Plagiarism or any form of academic dishonesty will result in disqualification.  
EvaluationMemorials will be evaluated by a panel of judges according to predetermined criteria, including legal analysis, clarity, and persuasiveness of arguments. Judges’ decisions will be final and binding.  

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